A big thank you to all of our funders, donors, and supporters last year.

Without your support, we would not be able to offer the services that we know make a difference to the lives of local people

Thank you to our funders who have generously given grants over the last 12 months:

  • The National Lottery Community Fund
  • Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s Community Investment Fund
  • Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s Long-Term Condition Support Fund
  • The Community Foundation for Staffordshire (Bishop Stamer Fund)
  • Local Giving
  • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
  • TK Maxx and Homesense Foundation

A big thank you to all individuals and organisations who have donated items to help with our fundraising activities over the last 12 months:

A very big thank you also to everyone that has fundraised for us including:

  • Councillor Sylvia Rushton who generously chose to fundraise for our charity during her year in office as Mayor of Biddulph
  • Our 2022 Potter’s Arf Relay team (Kath Brookes, Ben Walters, Beth Wilkinson and Suzanne Roberts) they raised a fantastic £1200!

Everyone that has

  • Made donations in memory of loved ones, it means so much to us that you have chosen to support our charity in this way.
  • Supported us through online platforms such as Paypal Giving, Amazon Smile, Donr, Give as you Live, and Potto Lotto
  • Made individual donations to our charity, whether this is money, fundraising items or donated items for us to sell to raise money.

We would also like to thank all of our volunteers who give their time each week to help us to deliver services, whether this is at events and outings, at drop-ins, in our office or from home. We could not deliver services at the level that we do without your help.

And a big thank you to all of our partners including local hospital staff, sensory team staff, social prescribers who refer in to our services and tell people about us. Thank you to everyone that shares our social media posts and attends our events.