Our Community Hubs are community-based drop-ins where you can come and get advice and information, have a coffee and chat and try a wide range of daily living equipment and technology.

Popping up in community rooms across North Staffordshire, our Community Hubs are an opportunity to try an extensive range of daily living equipment all designed to help people with sight loss to maintain their independence. There you will find items such as…

  • Talking clocks and watches
  • Accessible kitchen equipment including talking microwaves and scales
  • Lighting
  • Video magnifiers
  • Eye shields
  • Talking labelling devices including Penfriend
  • Signature guides
  • Plus much much more…

Our staff and volunteers can provide you with expert advice and demonstrations to help you to find the products most suitable for your requirements.

You can also visit our Community Hubs for:

  • Advice and Information
  • To find out about our services and those of other organisations
  • A coffee and a chat with our volunteers

Available at the following Locations:

This photo shows the outside of our Hanley Resource Centre which is open from 10am til 4pm every Tuesday. To the left is a glass door surrounded by windows, in the windows are signs and posters. Above the door is a Staffordshire Sight Loss Association sign with our logo in the colours pink, yellow, black and white. To the right is a large bay window, the building is covered in cream coloured tiles.

Photo shows the left side of our Hanley Resource Centre. On the left wall are cupboards and shelves displaying a variety of equipment including lamps, magnifiers, eye shields, games and labeling equipment, in the back left corner are talking book players and accessible radios. On the back wall are tables with white table cloths displaying video magnifiers of various sizes and on the actual wall are large print wall clocks in a variety of sizes. In the centre of the room are 2 white tables with 4 black chairs around them. Out of shot to the right are more displays or other types of equipment including mobility aids and kitchen equipment.

Hanley (weekly): Open every Tuesday between 10 am and 4pm at The Forecourt, 12 Albion Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 1QH (no need to book)

We do not have a car park however there is on-road parking (pay & display and blue badge parking), there are also numerous nearby carparks, we are a 3-minute walk from Hanley bus station.

Biddulph (monthly): on the third Friday of each month we are at Biddulph Town Hall on the High Street (ST8 6AR), drop in between 10.30 am and 2 pm, no booking required

There is usually someone on reception at the front of the building however we are in room B at the back of the building so you can knock on the back door and we will let you in (the top door at the back)

The town hall has a small car park but there is limited spaces however there is also nearby on-road parking

This photo was taken at our monthly Leek drop-in at the Salvation Army Building on Salisbury Street. In the foreground are tables that have a variety of information leaflets, newsletters and signature guides on the them as well as a pink charity collection box. In the background more tables can be seen with lots of different equipment including talking kitchen and labelling equipment. Behind that is a wall and window.

Leek (monthly): on the second Friday of each month we are the Salvation Army on Salisbury Street in Leek. Drop-in between 10.30 am and 2 pm, last entry is 1.30 pm as from 1.30 there will not be anyone on reception.

Small car park to the left of the building, we are in a room upstairs but there is a lift available. No booking required.

Newcastle: In 2024 we will be visiting community rooms across the borough of Newcastle under Lyme. Please get in touch or visit our events page to find out more.

Please see our events calendar for other dates and locations.

We set up our Community Hubs so that we can bring our services out into local communities making the service more accessible. If however you are unable to get out and about and would like a home visit please get in touch.