Our beneficiaries have told us that they want us to raise awareness of the impact of sight loss in North Staffordshire with the aim of helping to make it a more inclusive and accessible place to live.

Often misconceptions about visual impairment, lack of understanding or people’s fear of doing or saying the wrong thing can create barriers for blind and partially sighted people trying to carry out their day to day lives independently.

This could lead to people being ignored because a person doesn’t know how to assist or is worried about saying the wrong thing. It could be someone being pushed or pulled rather than guided in a safe and appropriate way or it could be services being delivered in a way that just isn’t accessible.

Our Visual Awareness Training can help to:

  • Break down misconceptions and stereotypes about sight loss
  • Provide the necessary information and advice to eliminate fear of doing the wrong thing and build confidence when assisting blind and partially sighted people
  • Provide a better understanding of the barriers and challenges that blind and partially people face in day to day life with the aim of making the community a more inclusive and understanding place to live.
  • Help businesses and other organisations to understand how to make things more accessible and to provide a better customer experience
  • Teach children about sight loss at an early age to prevent misconceptions and stereotypes affecting their future behaviours towards blind and partially sighted people

We can provide awareness training for organisations such as businesses, schools, nursing homes, transport services and hospitals. Some training may incur a charge.

Please get in touch for further information.